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This is a super cool idea and I like the visuals and the sound design as well as the movement. I agree with other people here that having some more clarity on where you can/can't change forms would help.

Cool game, worked well, lacked ending and story, but it worked :)

Cool game, cool concept. I didn’t get stuck at all and beat it without any issues :)


it’s unclear when you can and can’t change forms; having those two areas be visually distinct would help a lot. other than that, neat concept


I think there was a part where I shouldn't have been able to change form, but I did as I was half leaving the area and it forced me back in so I got stuck and that part of the level was broken because I was the wrong size!

(2 edits)

Hey. I loved the atmosphere at first but got stuck early, and could'nt change form anymore, I don't know if it is intented or not :c I don't think I understood.